Warden Optometry

Optometrist In Markham

Myopia Control in Markham and Toronto

Did You Know that Not Every Child Can Benefit from DIMS Lenses for Myopia Control

Myopia Control in Markham and Toronto

A recent article on Review of Optometry came out March 15th 2024. The staff at Review of Optometry shared that those with certain binocular vision dysfunctions may not be benefiting from DIMS lenses for myopia control. 

It was found that Kids with Convergence Excess Least Amenable to DIMS Lens Therapy for Myopia, when compared with other types of vergence dysfunction in a population of Chinese children.

In the article, she shared that a team from BeiJing put 292 myopic kids prescribed with DIMS lenses. The researchers found significant axial elongation and SE progression at both follow-up time periods for the subgroup that has convergence excess. 

“Axial Length elongation in kids with convergence excess was greater than in normal myopic individuals as well as those with convergence insufficiency, divergence excess, divergence insufficiency and basic esophoria at six months.”

DIMS lenses offered the possibility of slowing myopia progression up to 60% per year compared to those without any myopia control management. Prior search indicated that different vergence dysfunction types are correlated with refractive error, and the impact of vergence dysfunction is unknown on those with myopia progression wearing DIMS lenses. In light of this research, the impact is now known. 

This research is “demonstrating that DIMS wearers with convergence excess experienced faster AL elongation than those with no vergence dysfunction or other vergence dysfunction types.” Patients with divergence excess had slowed SE progression compared with other vergence dysfunction types, too.

“The authors elaborate that their results indicated the DIMS wearers had an average Al elongation of 0.21mm and average SE progression of 0.48D at one year, both of which measurements are consistent with prior studies.” The study also reinforced that the younger the children who started to get myopic, the faster they progressed in myopia and the faster the axial elongation. Hence, younger myopic children would need stronger or more aggressive myopia control management. 

Read more on the original article here. 

For a proper myopia control assessment to find the best treatment for your child, contact us here. 

Dr. Yan Ling Liang
Neuro-developmental Optometrist 
Markham Optometrist
Changing lives one eye at a time!

children's eye exam

Children’s Eye Exam Coverage in Ontario

children's eye exam

Did you know that March break is a great time to bring the kids in for an eye exam?

Some of the learning problems such as deslexia, ADD, ADHD, or learning disability might be vision related.  That includes mixing b and ds, can’t line up the columns correctly, poor visual attention, can’t sit still for learning, easily distracted, and likes to touch things everywhere. 

Children are covered in Ontario for a routine eye exam once every 12 months. More in-depth developmental eye exam or neuro vision exam might be needed for children who has learning problems. Neuro vision exam or functional eye exams are extended eye exams that may be covered by prviate insurance or can be deducted off your income tax as medical expenses. 

In Ontario, some children might also be eligible for the Eye See Eye Learn program. 

Childen in JK or SK might be elibiglbe for a pair of glasses if they are in need of the eyewear for school work or daily activities. 

If you know any children who hasn’t had an eye exam in the last year, please share that they are elibible for an eye exam. 

If you know any children who are stuggling in school, please share that they can do a functional eye exam to rule out the visual problems affecting learning. They might be able to take their learning to another level and focus better in classrooms. 

Dr. Yan Ling Liang
Neuro-developmental Optometrist 
Markham Optometrist
Changing lives one eye at a time!

dry eyes or eye fatigue

Do you have Dry Eyes or Computer Vision Syndrome?

dry eyes or eye fatigue

Our eyes get dry, sore or tired from time to time. 

Do you know if you have dry eyes or computer vision fatigue? 

Dry eyes can be due to tear deficient dry eye, reduced oily layer or poor mucous layer. 
Do you have gut problems if you have poor mucous layer? The current eye drops on the market and quite elborative. Not all eye drops are made the same.

Some of patients with tatooed eye liners are also not getting any beter with any eye drops most of the time.

Other patients might have had LASIK done and have poor nerve innervation to produce tears. A full eye exam and dry eye assessment is important in determing the root cause and bring better relief to patients. 

The common causes of computer vision fatigue can be from too much screen time, poor visual hygiene (little to no breaks from screen), poor prescription, poor measurement of pupil distance and pupil height (not done or with larger margin of error if ordered specs from certain places outside a professional Optometrist office). 

Post LASIK patients can have an alterned binocular posture (poor eye teaming) or altered accommodation (poor focusing) which can affect the visual comfort, leading to computer vision fatigue. Sometimes they can have both dry eye and poor accommodation. 

Another type of patients that is more likely to have computer vision syndrome are those with a fall history, whiplash history, post concussion or long COVID. They usually have accommodation affected, sometimes with fluctualing vision. And may also have tracking, eye teaming, depth perception, and saccadic eye movement affected as well. 

It complicates things if it’s a post LASIK patient with a history of falling off a bike or snowboarding head injury, or a whiplash. One may require a neuro-Optometric vision assessment.  

If you know someone with dry eye or computer vision syndrome, please call us today and book a comprehensive eye exam for vision and health. At Warden Optometry, we look below the surface and find the right care for you and your eyes efficiently. 

Dr. Yan Ling Liang
Neuro-developmental Optometrist 
Markham Optometrist
Changing lives one eye at a time!

Sports Vision for Golfing

Sports Vision for Golfing

Sports Vision for Golfing

Do you enjoy having a good and consistent performance for golfing in Markham, Richmond Hill and Toronto area?

To have good performance in golfing. It requires good sports vision.
Sports vision that are important for golfing are:

  1. VOR or gaze stabilization
  2. Quiet Eye
  3. Good 3D vision
  4. Good spatial judgement
  5. Pursuits or eye tracking

Our eyes are not always frozen on one target, it ususally makes micro-saccades, which are small jumps around the target. Good fixation and quiet eye can help you focus as close to the target as possible for putting.

Good 3D vision and spatial judgement can help with seeing how far and high the ball is, for getting it into the hole accurately.

Tracking will help you find the golf ball easier as you can follow through with its course easier. 

To improve any of these visual skills, Warden Optometry can help with sports vision training. 
Our team have helped atheletes from Whitby, Ajax, and Toronto improve their game for colleges, or for scholarships. Check out our Hall of Fame for more inspirations. 

Give us a call. or better fill out this sports vision questions and email it in to request an functional visual exam. 

Yan Ling Liang BSc, OD
Warden Optometry and Vision Therapy
Markham Optometrist
Changing Lives One Eye At a Time!

Winter Driving Markham

Safer Winter Driving

Do you have more blurry vision at night time?
More eye fatigue after a day’s computer work?
Harder to focus at far from extended focus at near?
Or poor contrast with night vision?

If anyone of those sounds famliar to you, you might benefit from a visit to an Optometrist for safer winter driving. 

At our Markham Optometrist office, we can check your vision for changes at day and night, for far to near, eye fatigue from dry eyes, computer vision fatigue or poor binocular vision. We can also check for and improve contrast with some specific tests and treatment plan. 

Winter can be fun and safe when you are ready. Get your eyes check before snow hill trips or back to more office. 


Yan Ling Liang BSc, OD
Warden Optometry and Vision Therapy
Markham Optometrist
​Changing Lives One Eye At a Time!


Lens Therapy for Headaches

Did you know that prism can be used to treat headaches, including those from acquired brain injury, whiplash, concussion?

Acquired brain injury includes stroke, COVID infection, other viral infection, bacterial infection in the brain (Lyme, PANDAS, Tics), whiplash and concussion.

The brain is very complex. It’s similar to an operation system on the computer with more than one way to open the file at that specific location.

The prism lenses can address some of the brain fog that occurs in the brain, reduce dizziness, headaches, being bothered by light, movements, and busy backgrounds. 

Lens therapy is especially useful for those who wants to get better faster, or has little time to do in person neuro-optometric vision rehabiliation. Check out the article in Opthalmology Times and give it a try. 

Yan Ling Liang BSc, OD
Warden Optometry and Vision Therapy
Markham Optometrist
Changing Lives One Eye At a Time!

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Welcome to Warden Optometry!

This family eye care office is located at the heart of downtown Markham. We are looking forward to help you see better with glasses or contact lenses. We are on the lookout for any eye diseases at early stage to prevent vision loss. We strive to address all your eye concerns with care. We help with visual performance by enhancing your visual comfort on the computer, with glasses or contact lenses, and see more accurately and efficiently for reading and desk work. With COVID infections, there are a lot more eye fatigue, computer vision fatigue, brain fog, and poor eye-brain coordination. We can help you recover from that and perform to the best level you can achieve with a neuro-developmental eye exam to see where we can elevate your visual performance. We can enhance your visual performance for learning, desk work and sports with Optometric phototherapy, lens therapy with prisms or micro power changes, and neuro visual training or vision therapy. Give us a shout if you think your brain is working faster than your hands. Yan Ling Liang BSc, OD Warden Optometry and Vision Therapy Markham Optometrist ​Changing Lives One Eye At a Time!